For two consecutive nights, this cat attempted to sneak into a nightclub.

by Techno TV - August 8, 2017

Last Thursday, a lively cat attempted to gain entry to a club, causing concern for her safety. Security manager Lewis Thomson tried to intervene, but the determined feline escaped his grasp.

Undeterred, the cat returned the following night, successfully sneaking into the club on Justice Mill Lane around 1:30 am while it was crowded. Despite her efforts, she didn't go unnoticed and was apprehended by bouncer Thomson before reaching the dancefloor.

Unable to find the cat's name on the guest list and witnessing a passerby trying to feed her, Thomson took her to the office for safety. Thinking the cat was male, he named her Frederick after the historical figure, but a visit to the vet revealed she was a female.

Through her microchip, it was discovered that the cat belonged to a little girl in west Aberdeen named Sunshine, who hadn't seen her for 10 days. Thomson, despite his attachment, was relieved to reunite the party animal with her rightful owner, saying, "I’m just happy that she’s managed to find her way home."

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