This marks the age when one is deemed officially 'too old' to attend a nightclub.

by Techno TV - August 15, 2022

If you're still recovering from a night out in Leeds this weekend, it might be because you've officially crossed the age threshold deemed "too old" for nightclubs. Recent scientific research, allegedly conducted by Currys PC World (the only source offering a statement on the findings), suggests that at the age of 37, it's considered "tragic" for you to be seen in a nightclub.

According to the study, 31 is the age when people start preferring to stay in rather than going out. Nearly half of the participants indicated a preference for staying home and watching TV, regardless of the weather, citing the expenses associated with a night out as a major factor.

Interestingly, the study found that while socializing in a club at the age of 37 is deemed unacceptable, 14 percent of respondents admitted to staying home to stalk people on Facebook, and 37 percent enjoyed using social media. The research, however, did not inquire about participants' preferences for listening to music in a club. Instead, it focused on aspects such as reluctance to "dress up" (22 percent), needing to "arrange babysitters" (12 percent), and having to "book a taxi" (21 percent).

Additionally, the study revealed that seven out of 10 people are content with having found a romantic partner, which, according to societal standards, is often perceived as the primary reason for going clubbing.

Matt Walburn of Currys PC World commented on the study, stating, "The Great Indoors study acknowledges that there comes a time when we appreciate our home comforts more than a hectic social life. It's now almost impossible to get bored at home, with endless box sets and the latest technology, such as 4K TV, enhancing the in-house experience, often surpassing its 'outdoor' equivalent."

However, despite these findings, there are still plenty of individuals over the age of 37 who are enthusiastic about enjoying a night of dancing over watching Blu-rays at home. The key reminder remains that age is irrelevant as long as one is having a good time and being respectful.

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